Endocarditis Bacterial Subacute

Endocarditis Bacterial Subacute: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Subacute bacterial endocarditis (endocarditis bacterialis subacuta) is a serious inflammatory disease of the endocardium that disrupts the normal function of the heart. It is characterized by slow progression and is usually caused by a bacterial infection. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment methods of this disease.

The causes of subacute bacterial endocarditis can be varied. The main pathogenetic mechanism is the penetration of bacteria into the blood and subsequent colonization of damaged areas of the endocardium. Such damage may occur due to congenital heart defects, damage from surgery, the presence of artificial valves, or damage to the heart valves due to other diseases such as rheumatic fever.

Symptoms of subacute bacterial endocarditis may develop gradually and be nonspecific. Patients may experience fatigue, general weakness, loss of appetite, and a slight increase in body temperature. In addition, joint pain, skin phenomena including petechiae (small hemorrhages) and embolic complications such as infective endocarditis of joints and organs may occur.

The diagnosis of subacute bacterial endocarditis can be difficult because its symptoms may be similar to other diseases. However, your doctor may do a number of tests, including blood tests to look for microorganisms and inflammatory markers and echocardiography to evaluate your heart and look for signs of valve damage.

Treatment of subacute bacterial endocarditis requires an integrated approach. The main method is antibiotic therapy, which should be aimed at eliminating the bacterial infection. The choice of antibiotics depends on the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to drugs. In cases where heart valve damage is severe or complications occur, surgery may be required to replace the affected valves or remove infected material.

Prevention of subacute bacterial endocarditis is of great importance for people at increased risk of developing this disease. This includes regular visits to your doctor, monitoring your dental and oral health, and taking antibiotics before certain medical procedures that may pose a risk of bacterial infection.

In conclusion, subacute bacterial endocarditis is a serious disease that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. It is important to pay attention to nonspecific symptoms, especially in patients with risk factors, and consult a doctor if they occur. Timely treatment with antibiotics and, if necessary, surgery can help prevent complications and improve the prognosis of the disease. Compliance with preventive measures also plays an important role in preventing the development of subacute bacterial endocarditis in susceptible patient groups.

Endocarditis - a disease of dirty hands? *Joke. Funny content at the end*: So I decided to tell you about a rather rare illness that happens to all of us, but almost no one, I think, attaches any importance to it. In order to save you from information about abrasions and scratches, I strongly recommend that you contact professionals with all problems related to the body. And after, let's discuss endocarditis?

So, endocarditis is a type of disease in which the inner lining of the heart becomes inflamed. In the medical field, this inflammation is called endomyocarditis. *Sorry for such a crap name, but I will call you one way or another.* The term “endocarditis” comes from the Greek. *entos* (inside)+*kardia* (heart), that is, “intravascular”. The endocardium refers to the inner lining of the heart cavities. An example of this can be given in one of the human blood vessels. What examples do you know? The head of the penis, capillaries-vessels in the nose, blood vessels of the skin... A person encounters blood everywhere... If you manage to find a vessel somewhere inside the human body that would be more than a capillary, then you will find an en-do car dit.