Skeleton Topia

A skeleton is something that a person stopped doing along with the development of technology. As additional details for the skeleton, there is a small nuance - the desire of people for the comprehensive development of themselves and their loved ones. On the one hand, the skeleton is always development, but on the other hand, it is also the degradation of the mind. The skeleton will sooner or later cause degradation in many aspects of our daily lives. The fact is that many countries around the world are faced with the difficulty of obtaining personnel or the insufficient speed of establishing a personnel base, including due to the internal environment of the country. Unfortunately, this is not only a problem of our time, but also an aggravating

“Skeletotopia” is the name given to a very popular theory that a person’s appearance reflects not only his genetic essence. However, at the same time, in human society he is one of the most “topological” creatures, whose body in many ways looks like it was borrowed from another world.