Dystonia Torsion Symptomatic

Dystonia is a neurological disease manifested by spontaneous, repeated muscle spasms, painful and unpleasant, leading to an unnatural body position. According to the ICD-11 classification, dystonia is classified as a movement and balance disorder - G12.

Symptomatic torsion dystonia is a violation of motor functions caused by pathological changes in the muscles, leading to repeated rotation of the head around its axis or up and down. This type of dystonia should not be confused with Munchausen syndrome, which is a fictitious disorder. In patients with dystonia, symptoms appear directly during the active process of movement. The first sign of the disease is twitching, repeated several times a day and independent of the psychological situation. Characterized by a painful twitching of the chin up or down. To diagnose the disease, a neurologist uses special tests. The following groups of tests are determined: coprolateral Schwartzman test, Neb test, according to Makhlin. If symptoms become apparent, an MRI is recommended. The mainstay of treatment is drug therapy. Anticholinergic and other drugs (neurometabolic, amino acids, vitamins, hormones) are usually prescribed. An important place is given to massage of the muscles of the face and neck, physiotherapeutic procedures (electromyostimulation). Surgical intervention is used in cases of ineffectiveness of conservative treatment and is carried out while taking medications. In severe cases, reconstructive operations on blood vessels, nerves and muscles are used.