
Dystopia is a dystopia or “topia in reverse”, which has a scientific definition in literature, philosophy and science. “Thus, dystopia is works of fiction that describe society with examples of socioculture, demography, anarchism, Stalinism, militarism, etc.”, respectively Literature and cinema of dystopia appear after similar eras in social development.

An archaic form of fiction with characteristic features in describing the negative characteristics of society: illogical illusion, etc., for example, “Manipulation of consciousness,” “Propaganda,” paranoia

The concept of Dystopia is a romantic view of dystopias in which utopian ideas are twisted and distorted to the point of becoming a terrifying picture of the future. Dystopian worlds were described by Aristotle, who noted that any politics is a struggle for power over other resources. History textbooks often refer to medieval and other historical forms that have already generated their own model. Typically, literary works based on history demonstrate the way a culture has been colonized in another region. In the process of mastering the culture of a people at a lower stage of development, civilizations damage and destroy their habitat. And the process of creating a myth occurs, thanks to which the colonialists become heroes and founders of civilization. This is reflected in literature through the use of symbols, metaphors and the citation of traditional archetypes. This approach is most effective for characterizing the thinking of people living in such conditions. An example is the French colonial writers of the 19th century. Their main task was to adapt their new cultural principles to the life of local residents, and their