Gessa Proba

The Hess test is also called the Hess test, pedocaline sample. It is performed to evaluate jaw development in children and determine the location of third molars. Normally, the teeth are located under the gum, but with gnathoticism they are located in the jaw. This entails dysfunction of the dentofacial apparatus and facial skeleton. To determine the extent of the disease, operations are planned to move the teeth into the correct position.

Gnathic provocation

Hess sample

Hess test is a method for determining the ability of blood to clot by mixing with thrombinase or fibrinolysin. Hess was aware of this phenomenon back in 1903, but it became widespread only during the First World War, when the study of the properties of human blood became extremely important. The earliest reports of the test, which now bears the name of the author of this method, were published in 1771 and 1884. More success