Protein dystrophy

Protein dystrophy is a disease characterized by impaired protein metabolism in the body. This may be due to various factors, such as poor diet, lack of vitamins and minerals, and certain diseases.

Symptoms of protein dystrophy may include weight loss, weakness, fatigue, skin and hair problems, and organ dysfunction.

To diagnose protein dystrophy, it is necessary to conduct a blood test to measure the level of proteins and other nutrients. Additional testing may also be required to determine the cause of the disease.

Treatment for protein dystrophy depends on the cause of the disease and may include dietary changes, vitamins and minerals, and treatment of the underlying disease.

It is important to remember that protein dystrophy can lead to serious health consequences, so you should consult a doctor when the first symptoms appear.

Protein dystrophy is also called dysproteinomia and is a syndrome in which protein metabolism is disrupted in the body and their deficiency develops, as well as other changes. In most cases, the patient does not fully understand the causes of protein metabolism disorders and simply does not seek medical help, as he does not consider it necessary. It's a delusion. Sometimes the disease develops asymptomatically. A person can lose weight, but still lead an active lifestyle and not experience any problems. In approximately 15% of cases of protein dystrophy, a sharp loss of body weight begins. The reasons for the development of protein dystropy lie in the influence of various factors and conditions on the body. These include chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, and cardiovascular system. Diseases of the thyroid gland can also contribute to metabolic disorders. Dystrophy can be provoked by various infections, inflammatory processes against the background of chronic diseases, genetic disorders, intoxications of various types, etc. Very often the cause of dystropia is old age. Quite often, the disease is discovered by an elderly person who has lost significant weight. You need to understand that sudden weight loss and deterioration of the condition, even if a person has not yet consulted a doctor in this case, may be a signal of the onset of the development of a serious illness. Symptoms of protein dystropia will depend on the reason why the protein loss occurred (increased oxidation, loss). In any case, the patient will experience an increase in the amount of uric acid, which is due to disruption of the urinary system. With dystropia, there is a decreased level of testosterone, which results in manifestations such as impaired erectile function and potency. Sexual function also suffers. As with other hormonal disorders, a man’s voice begins to change - the pitch becomes higher. The balance of sex hormones is disrupted - testosterone production decreases. Then other changes begin - in particular, the level of somatotropic hormone decreases, which is why there is a sharp weight loss. Already in the first stages of the disease, a man loses from 7% to 1