Myocardial dystrophy Focal

Focal myocardial dystrophy is one of the most common heart diseases. It occurs due to various causes, including genetic factors, chronic inflammation, immune system disorders and myocardial damage.

Myocrthia Focal dystrophy is a progressive dysfunction of various parts of the heart, caused by inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the heart muscle. In clinical practice, focal myocardial dystrophy is divided into various forms, among which are: infiltrative, exudative-hyaline, atrophic and fine-granular. But we will consider it under a simpler name - Focal Dystrophies.

Typical manifestations of dystrophy are quite characteristic symptoms:

Pain behind the sternum of a pressing, squeezing nature. It may be replaced by unpleasant sensations: “clicking” in the right hypochondrium from the back. A stabbing single or multiple pain appears in the intercostal space, which occurs during physical activity, and over time occurs outside of connection with sports.

Next, typical tachycardia appears, rapid pulse - up to a hundred times per minute and increasing shortness of breath with less physical exertion.

Bradycardia is less pronounced

Remember the most important thing: Dystrophic processes in the myocardium are one of the types of dystrophy or aplasia of muscle fibers that occur under the influence of external and internal negative factors that cause mechanical damage to the heart at the molecular level. This process negatively affects the performance of the cardiovascular system. The greatest significance in these cases is myopathy of the left ventricle - a decrease in the strength of the heart muscles leads to disruption of the nutrition of the organ cavity due to the functioning of the circulatory system. It is also worth remembering about diseases such as dystrophic cardiomyopathy (better known as coronary artery disease or coronary disease), which refers to chronic lesions of the coronary arteries.