Isoagglutinins Group Normal

Isoantibodies and isoantitenoviral sera. Receiving them. General characteristics and methods for separating antibody isotypes by serological properties. Determination of blood group by Rh factor, methods of blood transfusion.

Isotypes are antibodies characteristic of a given species. There are 8 main classes of immunoglobulins: IgM, IgA, IgG, IgE, IgD, IgZ, IgY, IgG. Each of these classes is divided into 6 subclasses (IgM - five).

To each antigen (or infectious agent), a specific response of antibodies of different subclasses occurs each time, i.e. Several isoantibodies develop to the same antigen. They have different effects in relation to a given antibody. Based on this, immunoagglutinating and immunoenzymatic motility are distinguished. Using immunoagglutaination, you can determine the presence and titer of a specific class of antibodies. Immunoenzymatic reactions are effective in identifying agglutinogens and determining the concentration of each class and antibody molecule. These include IFA and ELISA.

Determining immunogloblin levels above 3 g/l, as a rule, avoids complications and pathology. Contamination occurs due to the ingress of cerebrospinal fluid and plasma into the results of the previous procedure. Transfusion transmission is possible. Blood type incompatibility may result in intrauterine fetal developmental anomalies