
Diverticula are protrusions of the intestinal wall. Why do bulging organs cause abdominal pain? The answer is simple: “yes, because they are constantly filled with intestinal contents.” The diameter of the diverculum in humans is quite large (about a centimeter). The number of protrusions can also vary - from two to twelve. When a diverticulum is deformed, the intestinal lumen decreases and ceases to cope with its main function—intestinal motility. There are problems with digestion and absorption of food. As a result, toxins can form and intoxication occurs. Among the diseases of our intestines, diverticula occupy the first place. According to statistics, 23% of adults have them, and another 6% of teenagers. Their appearance does not depend on age, gender or social status. Neither one nor the other predicts the likelihood of a painful protrusion. There are frequent cases of detection of diverts in children at the newborn stage and in the elderly. Diverkulu makes itself felt in the form of a severe attack of pain in the left side. The overall clinical picture also depends on the location of the diverticula. Symptoms vary depending on which area is aggravating. Pain in any form of the disease spreads to the left side of the abdomen, reaching the lower ribs, and sometimes even rising to the hypochondrium or to the back. If the patient has a pathology of the sigmoid colon