

Dobromyslova is one of the most mysterious and mystical figures in Russian literature. She is the main character of the novel “Gorgias” by Andrei Platonov in the play of the same name by Ivan Goncharov. Both of these works were published in the 20s of the XX century. However, the appearance of such a mysterious character became one of the reasons for the conflict between Platov and Goncharov. Plato's hero raises many questions and debates among literary scholars. Some consider her to be the prototype of Maria Bashkirtseva, while others debate what the author actually meant. Dobromyslova, according to Irina Ognyanovich, is part of the Russian pagan archetype, emerging from the depths of folk wisdom. At the same time, she is a figure who embodies the national character. They were proud of their belonging to Russian culture. The entire Russian nation appears as one spiritual whole, and no one can be separated from it. Unlike Platon Dobromyslov, who often turned to the image of dead people, Goncharov symbolizes the hero’s transition to another world, changes in his fate. His depiction of Dobromyslova combines many trends of modernism. The figure of the main character is combined with a description of rural life and the everyday life of the Russian peasant. Platonov, on the contrary, created an image with archaic features. He was inclined towards fantasy. The image of the main character Platovsky turns out to be mysterious, as a result of which he acquires a number of features. Its mystery presupposes the author's extreme subjectivity, personal character and the ambiguity of his actions and way of thinking. Platkovsky is projected onto the personality of the author himself, and also shows his moral principles. Dobromislov

Andrey Platonov is the pseudonym of Ivan Polyakov, under which the writer published his first literary work. But until this moment he constantly tried himself in the literary field. The first poems that he wrote in his youth became a real breakthrough for him, but the author himself received ironic comments from the public. Many considered his work to be "literary excess". The first book of Platonov appeared in 1927.