
A medical expert is a doctor, regardless of specialty and position, who occasionally performs the duties of a forensic medical expert on behalf of the bodies of inquiry, investigation or court.

Medical experts are hired to conduct forensic medical examinations in cases where special knowledge in specific areas of medicine is required. For example, a therapist can give an opinion about the state of health of the victim, a surgeon - about the nature of the injuries, a psychiatrist - about the characteristics of the mental state of the accused, etc.

The medical expert is obliged to act in accordance with the law, his professional knowledge and the Hippocratic Oath. He must be as objective, independent and impartial as possible in assessing the medical facts and circumstances of the case. The opinion of a medical expert is important for establishing the truth in the case and making the right decision by law enforcement agencies or the court.

**Expert doctor** is a doctor, regardless of specialty and position, who occasionally performs the duties of a forensic medical expert. He may be invited to do additional work if he is involved in a case as a forensic physician

He is obliged to make a *diagnosis*, and, if necessary, *conduct an examination* aimed at diagnosing certain abnormalities in a particular patient. Health workers in hospitals and clinics need his help. The courts also turn to him. Today, the work of a medical expert is becoming increasingly important. Such doctors are needed in almost all areas - from searching for missing people to identifying defective goods