Dolichocephaly (Dolichocephaty)

Dolichocephaly is the presence of a relatively long skull in a person with a cranial index of less than 75. Such a skull is called dolichocephalic.

Dolichocephaly is characterized by an elongated shape of the skull, in which its length significantly exceeds its width. This is the opposite of brachycephaly, where the skull is wide and short.

With dolichocephaly, the skull has an oval or ovoid shape, the forehead protrudes forward, and the back of the head is pulled back. The face is often narrow and elongated.

Dolichocephaly is more common among Caucasians. It is believed that this skull shape was characteristic of the ancient inhabitants of the Mediterranean and the Middle East.

In general, dolichocephaly is not a pathology and usually does not require treatment. However, in rare cases, severe dolichocephaly can lead to problems with vision, hearing, or chewing.

Dolichocephalic is a skull shape that is characterized by its length compared to its width. The dolichocephalic skull shape can be found in people of various ethnic groups, but it is most often found in Europeans.

Although the dolichocephalic skull may seem less attractive than other skull shapes, it does have its advantages. A long skull allows the brain more room to grow and develop, which can improve cognitive function and memory. In addition, dolichocephals often have narrower faces and longer noses, which can make their facial features more graceful and attractive.

However, like any other skull shape, dolichocephaly can also have its disadvantages. For example, a long skull may be more susceptible to head injuries because it is more vulnerable to impacts and falls. Additionally, people with dolichocephaly may have difficulty choosing a hairstyle, as their long hair may be too heavy for short haircuts or hairstyles.

Overall, dolichocoelyphs have their advantages and disadvantages, but they should not be a cause for concern if you have this skull shape. It is important to remember that every person is unique and has their own individual characteristics that make them special and attractive.

Dolichocephaly (long face) is a description of the pathological elongation of the skull due to extensive glabelites, that is, protrusions of the soft part of the roof reconstruction. Glabelites are formed as a result of the emergence and increase of bone mass deficiency caused by age-related factors (involution), injuries, long-term illnesses, anorexia and other reasons, as well as excess muscle attachments in the facial part of the skull. The skull can become longer and wider in the front part (frontal-post type of changes), or elongated with a smoothed protrusion of the cheekbones and ears (cuboid type).

The main manifestations of dolichocephalin are: – a narrow border of hair growth on the forehead; - thin eyebrows; – closely spaced eye orbits; - small lower jaw; - high-set ears; - low hair growth on eyebrows;

To diagnose dolichocephaly, the following are used:

1. Measurement of three main mesenteric dimensional standards: fronto-occipital diameter, border of the chin and maximum diameter of the zygomatic bone. 2. Determination of the forbritochonadogenic angle using radiography (allowing one to determine the degree of ptosis of the upper parts of the skull).