
Doubtfulness (from the Latin somnolentus - drowsy) is pathological sleepiness during the daytime, which cannot be overcome by volitional effort.

Doubtfulness can be a symptom of various diseases and conditions. Most often it occurs when:

  1. Sleep disorders (insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome)

  2. Neurological diseases (encephalitis, meningitis, brain tumors)

  3. Mental disorders (depression)

  4. Intoxication (alcohol, drug intoxication)

  5. Endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism, hypercalcemia)

  6. Taking certain medications (sedatives, sleeping pills)

With severe doubt, a person may fall asleep at the wrong time and circumstances - at work, while driving, during a conversation. This condition significantly reduces quality of life and can be life-threatening.

Diagnosis of the causes of doubt includes taking an anamnesis, examination by a neurologist, sleep analysis, laboratory and instrumental studies. Treatment depends on the identified disease and may include drug therapy, correction of sleep and wakefulness, and psychotherapy. For severe daytime sleepiness, stimulant medications are prescribed.