Po Bülau drainage

Bulau drainage is a type of alternative bloodletting technique that was developed in the 19th century by the German physician Josef Mikuliczek. Since then it has become very popular in Europe and the USA. This device allows you to manually pump out blood, without using a needle, as is the case with conventional bloodletting. Unlike the conventional phlebotomy technique, the Bülaue drainage method can be performed at home or in the hospital. But it is still better to consult a specialist doctor to assess the condition and the possibility of using this treatment method.

Where did the idea of ​​Bulow drainage come from? This type of drainage was proposed by the German physician Joseph Bullo in the 1860s. The doctor believed that excessive use of blood in phlebotomy could lead to serious health problems for patients. He came up with a new solution to remove blood from the body using a tube called a Bielow tube. This device