Drigalski Spatula

Drigalsky Spatula: a bacteriologist's tool

The Drigalski Spatula is a tool that was developed by the German bacteriologist Karl Wilhelm Drigalski at the beginning of the 20th century. This instrument has become one of the most important tools in bacteriology and microbiology.

Karl Wilhelm Drygalski was born in 1871 and was an active participant in scientific research in the field of microbiology. In 1900, he became professor of microbiology at the University of Breslau (now Wroclaw, Poland), where he developed his famous instrument.

A Drigalski spatula is a metal instrument that is used to isolate bacteria from samples. It is a flat blade with a handle that flares out at one end. The instrument was designed to separate bacteria on a culture medium and also to isolate bacterial colonies for further study.

Before the Drygalski Spatula came along, bacteriologists used loops to isolate bacteria. However, the loop could carry many different bacteria, which could lead to incorrect study results. Drigalsky's spatula made it possible to isolate bacteria without transferring other microorganisms, which made it an indispensable tool in the laboratory.

Today, the Drigalski Spatula continues to be used in bacteriology and microbiology. It is an integral part of the equipment in most laboratories for the study of microorganisms. Currently, there are many different modifications of the Drygal Spatula, including plastic and metal versions.

Thus, the Drigalski Spatula is an important tool that has made significant contributions to the development of bacteriology and microbiology. Without it, it would be much more difficult to isolate bacteria and conduct research in this area of ​​science.

Spatula for collecting germs

A Drigal spatula is an instrument used in medicine to examine germs and bacteria on the surface of various objects such as hands, tools, surfaces, etc. It was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by the German bacteriologist Käthe Woldem von Drigalski, and named after him. The spatula is a metal plate with a protrusion in the middle, reminiscent of the Greek letter “c”. This protrusion allows you to quickly and conveniently collect microbes from the surface using a special solution. In addition to the tool head, there is a small hole that helps prevent bacteria and dirt from accumulating while using the spatula.

Using a dredging spatula

One of the most common ways to use a scraping spatula involves using the contaminated product or other object to be examined on a clean area of ​​skin on the hand or forearm. Then, after the pathogens appear on the skin, the microbes are collected using a dredge. This helps to collect germs on the surface of the spatula while the sterilized solution is thoroughly sprayed onto the hand and onto the object surface. Depending on the type of pathogen, the procedure may be repeated several times, after which the spatula is sent for testing.

Another type of drigalytic spatethion is the use of a bacteriophage-based antibiotic. In this case, the chromosome of the microbe is prepared under the influence of the phage in order to shift them to the central chromosome. But after this, the process becomes more complex because the cell walls are broken down by one or more means and then collected on a scraper until the body can carry out further reactions under the influence of the phage.