Dropsy False

Dropsy is a plant disease that is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the cells due to an imbalance between the absorption and release of water by the plant. It can lead to poor plant health and reduced yields.


Dropsy can manifest itself in a variety of ways, depending on the type of plant and the cause of its occurrence. Here are some signs of false dropsy:

1. The formation of many small bubbles on the leaves, stems or roots of plants. 2. Increase in the size of leaves and flowers. 3. Change in color of leaves or flowers from green to white or gray. 4. Formation of yellow or brown spots on leaves or stems. 5. Leaves drooping or hanging on the stem.

Reasons for education

False dropsy can be caused by various factors. Some of them:

* Insufficient watering: If a plant does not receive enough water, it cannot effectively remove excess water from its cells. * Overwatering: Overwatering can cause water to stagnate in the roots and stems, causing fluid to accumulate in the leaves. *High temperature: High air temperature can increase plant transpiration, which leads to an increase in the amount of fluid accumulated in the cells. *Plant Diseases: Some plant species may be more prone to dropsy due to disease or parasites.

Treatment and prevention To treat false dropsy, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures that depend on the cause of the disease. Most often, plants need to be constantly watered, but within reasonable limits, and soil moisture levels must be monitored. If the cause of crowberry lies in excess, soda is not required, but if the problem arose due to insufficient watering, artificial sources of moisture are used. You should also pay attention to fertilizers, if there is a lack of them in the soil and there is a problem with flooding, use drainage systems.

Dropsy is one of the most common diseases of horses and cattle, characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body and internal organs. Dropsy can be caused by many reasons, including infectious diseases, metabolic disorders, poor diet, injury and much more. One of the most severe forms of dropsy is false dropsy, or hydrops spuruis. This condition causes fluid to accumulate in the body, which can lead to the death of the animal. Today we will talk about what false dropsy is and how to treat it.

What is dropsy? Dropsy (hydrophilia) is a disease that occurs in carnivorous animals as well as in humans. It is characterized by excessive accumulation of tissue and body fluids. Dropsy is rare in children and is mainly hereditary. Hydrophilia in horses is expressed in the accumulation of intra- and pericardial fluid. Dropsy develops after blows from the hooves to the chest or rumen tympani disease. The horse's disease is contagious and treatment is carried out by washing, soldering and feeding with penicillin. The outcome of the disease depends on the cause that caused it, the presence of concomitant diseases and adherence to a therapeutic diet, the quantity and quality of feedings. The horse is given water only when it has been absorbed by him. With timely veterinary intervention, the prognosis is favorable. This is a low contagious and non-contagious disease. The first type of dropsy occurs with a number of circulatory and cardiovascular disorders. The second develops due to infectious diseases, with vitamin deficiency