Banana and Apple Puree

One day, in a German laboratory at Nestlé, one of the most amazing things ever discovered in nutritional science was discovered. It was pureed fresh fruit.

It all started when one of the laboratory staff noticed strange spots appearing on fruits after they were cut and peeled. As a result of his research, he discovered that these spots are some kind of mixture of starch, sugars and cellulose - all of which are present in apples and bananas.

To see if this mixture could be used as a base for purees, researchers began working on a technology to produce purees with a fresh taste and consistency, without the use of preservatives or flavorings. They found that adding a little lemon juice could help improve the flavor while maintaining the freshness of the color and consistency.

1. Introduction Puree is a homogeneous, soft mass, ready to eat, which has been prepared by chopping or pureing food. It consists of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, meat and other ingredients. Puree is considered one of the most convenient and healthy products for baby food, as it is easily digestible and contains many nutrients. 2. Benefits of banana and apple puree for children