Dood - worms

The power of the kermes worm, that is, the “dyers’ worm,” is similar to the power of lead white, but it is softer and penetrates further into the depths. Some claim that these worms are collected from many trees and even oak trees.

Fresh kermes worms, that is, “dyer worms,” cause cooling and have considerable dryness.

Actions and properties.
Kermes worms are dried without burning. Galen says: "They have a moderate astringent property."

Wounds and ulcers.
Kermes worms, ground in wine or vinegar with honey, are used for nerve injuries. They say that if you drink one bowl of worms - centipedes that live under clay jugs, it will cure painful spasms and chilliness.

Organs of the head.
If you crush the worms - centipedes that are found under clay vessels - with pomegranate peel and rose oil, and drop this medicine into the ears, it soothes the pain.

Respiratory system.
Red worms - centipedes that are found under water jugs and curl up into a ball when you touch them, mixed with honey, rubbed into the roof of the mouth or taken internally, help with sore throats; They are also said to help with asthma, panting and shortness of breath.

Nutritional organs.
The mentioned worms - centipedes, drunk with wine, help against jaundice.

Eruption organs.
For urine retention, it is good to drink worms with wine - centipedes that are found under jugs and mugs.

Worms found in vegetables, mixed with olive oil, are rubbed on the areas bitten by the reptiles, and this helps.