Dugasa Symptom

Dugas's symptoms (Latin: Dugas's symptoms, English: Du gas's signs) * - a signal set of symptoms of a peripheral disease in the diagnosis of cancer of the lymph nodes of the neck. Dugas's symptom is named after the American surgeon of Austrian origin Leonard Archibald Dugass, who described it in 1874, although he was already aware of it in 1765. Over time, a number of synonyms - “Durand’s symptoms”, “Darson’s symptom”, “L. Perich"—was replaced by its name, or "Bonet's symptom."

Postponement of the appointment of regional lymphadenectomy leads to a deterioration in the patient’s quality of life

In the classic version, the test is carried out in the following sequence: With light pressure with your fingers, the skin “sticks” to each other; swelling and hyperemia of the skin, the formation of a bubble, filling the latter with leukocytes and red blood cells are observed.