Breast ductography

Breast ductography - breast x-ray using contrast. It is prescribed for breast cancer and for diagnosing breast diseases. The procedure is carried out by filling the ducts of the chest cavity with a solution of iodine-containing contrast agent “urotrast” or oil-based “iodolipol”. The patient is examined and the necessary manipulations are performed. The study confirms the tumor in a more obvious form, determines its boundaries, shape, size, and location in the chest. In the modern world, ductography is used not only for various forms of breast cancer, but also to detect local inflammation in women, regardless of age. Therefore, in order to understand how it is carried out, you need to know about the existing nuances of its implementation.

The following symptoms are considered indications for ductography:

the presence of lumps in the mammary gland of unknown origin; cystic pathology of mammary gland tissue; suspicions of the onset of a cancer process; progression of the inflammatory process in the tissues of the mammary glands.