Duofilm for removing papillomas and warts

The content of the article:
  1. Description of the drug
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Instructions for Duofilm
  4. Contraindications
  5. Results of use
  6. Reviews about the drug Duofilm

Duofilm is a medicinal product whose action is based on the cauterizing properties of two acids: salicylic and lactic. It is actively used in cosmetology and dermatology for the treatment of benign neoplasms caused by the human papillomavirus, which include papillomas, warts, condylomas, spines and other growths.

Description and composition of the drug "Duofilm"

The photo shows the drug Duofilm for papillomas and warts

The drug "Duofilm" refers to dermatological medical products aimed at combating epidermal neoplasms that appear as a result of infection of the body with HPV.

The action of the drug is based on the locally necrotizing effect of two strong acids that make up Duofilm: salicylic and lactic. They cause the death of infected cells as a result of a chemical burn, which leads to detachment of growths. These substances are included in many drugs for papillomas and other benign tumors. However, in this product their concentration is selected in such a way that Duofilm is a mild-acting drug. Thanks to this, scars do not form on the skin after use, and healing is faster than with treatment with more aggressive medications.

Let's take a closer look at the components that make up Duofilm:

  1. Salicylic acid. A substance obtained as a result of the synthesis of sodium phenolate with carbon dioxide in autoclaves at a temperature of 180°C and subsequent treatment of the reaction product with hydrochloric acid. This substance is colorless and appears as a crystalline powder or needle-shaped crystals. Has no smell. It has high solubility in alcohol, moderate solubility in hot water and is practically insoluble in water whose temperature is below 50°C.
  2. Lactic acid. A compound obtained as a result of enzymatic lactic acid fermentation of sugars. It has low toxicity and is considered biologically safe. It dissolves well in water and has high hygroscopicity. Most often it is represented by a solution that has no color, but has a specific odor.
  3. Liquid collodion. This substance forms the basis of the drug Duofilm, in which acid is dissolved. This is a solution with a thick, sticky consistency, consisting of fiber, alcohol and ether. The liquid is viscous and viscous, often called syrup. Colorless, odorless. Its main function is to disinfect the wound by closing it. It is also called “liquid plaster” because it is used in the production of medical glue.

Duofilm is used to remove tumors such as papillomas, warts, condylomas, and dry calluses.

Available in dark glass bottles, complete with caps and an applicator with a brush. Volume - 15 ml, 1 g of solution corresponds to 167 mg of salicylic acid and 167 mg of lactic acid.

Duofilma price — from 150 rubles in Russia (from 89 hryvnia in Ukraine).

Analogs of Duofilm: Hemosol, Kerasal, Solkokerasal, Kollomak, Salicylic ointment (instructions for using salicylic ointment for papillomas). These drugs are not direct analogues, but those that are similar in purpose, mode of action on the body and effect of use.

Useful properties of Duofilm for papillomas

Thanks to the mild action claimed by the manufacturers, the range of consumers for whom this product can be used is much wider than its analogues. The use of Duofilm is permitted not only in medical centers and beauty salons, but also at home. Its advantages include the low price of the drug and fairly high efficiency, based on the body’s reactions to treatment.

The action of the medicine is based on the following effects:

  1. Cauterizing. At the site of treatment, the acids contained in Duofilm cause a chemical burn, which results in the death of mutated cells infected with the human papillomavirus.
  2. Antiseptic. The drug owes this property to liquid collodion. It is he who disinfects the wound and prevents any pathogenic bacteria and infections from entering it.
  3. Mummifying. Gradually, in tissues treated with Duofilm, a process of mummification occurs, turning once viable tissue into scabs. Once mummification is complete, the treated wart will spontaneously come off.
  4. Wound healing. The same collodion forms a thin film that blocks the penetration of any microorganisms into the wound. This significantly speeds up the regeneration process and helps healthy cells underneath those that have undergone necrosis.

Instructions for Duofilm for papillomas and warts

Although Duofilm is considered a mild drug, this does not mean that no safety precautions need to be taken when using it. First of all, you need to carefully apply the product without touching the skin around the tumor. As with other medications, before using this one, it is recommended to treat the skin around the papilloma with zinc ointment or any other fatty cream you have on hand.

When using the product at home, it is imperative that you read the instructions for using Duofilm in great detail.

Use the drug as follows (official instructions):

  1. If an old plantar wart is to be treated, then a preparatory stage is necessary. A day before using the product, steam the treated area in hot water and cut off as much dead skin as possible with nail scissors. Cover the spine with a Salipod patch or treat it with Vartex ointment. This will help soften the skin and cut off some more dead skin just before use.
  2. If you are going to remove a vulgar wart on an arm or leg, first steam it in hot water, but do not cut anything off.
  3. When dealing with filamentous papillomas and condylomas, simply rinse the area with the growth with warm water and dry with a terry towel.
  4. Open the bottle with Duofilm and dip the applicator into it. Allow excess liquid to drain.
  5. Using the brush on the applicator, lubricate the tumor with the drug. Do not rub or blow on the papilloma; the solution should dry and be absorbed on its own.
  6. A few minutes after applying the product, the growth should be covered with a white film. If this does not happen, process it again. But no more than 2 treatments in 1 session.
  7. Cover the application areas with a bactericidal plaster and repeat the procedure in a day.

If part of the papilloma comes off when removing the bandage, this is a normal reaction and you should not be afraid of it. Treat the wart with Duofilm once a day until it peels off completely. There is no need to re-steam the growths. This procedure must be carried out only at the preparatory stage, before the first treatment.

Contraindications and side effects of Duofilm

Duofilm cannot be used on moles 

Considering the fact that Duofilm has a mild effect, there are much fewer contraindications to its use than other drugs in a similar series.

Absolute contraindications for use are:

  1. Children under 2 years of age;
  2. Use on nevi and moles, which can lead to their degeneration into cancerous tumors;
  3. Treatment of neoplasms on the face and genitals;
  4. Allergy to one of the components of the drug.

Duofilm should be used with caution to treat children from 2 to 7 years of age and people with renal failure.

Use in children over 7 years of age and the elderly is permitted without restrictions. It does not have specific instructions that differ from the general processing principles.

You can also use the drug Duofilm in pregnant and lactating mothers. True, women during lactation should not treat warts or papillomas on the nipples, breasts or arms.

However, according to Duofilm's instructions, side effects may develop during treatment. If you notice one of their signs, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Redness and irritation of the skin. Most often it manifests itself due to a burn of the epidermis around the treated area. This damage is associated with the spread of the drug to healthy skin. This side effect is especially common in children; it causes them the greatest discomfort. In this case, it is necessary to wipe off the excess with a cotton pad or bandage and immediately rinse the damaged area with warm water. There should not be severe burns, but it is important to monitor the condition of the skin and, if necessary, use local healing creams or ointments. Only after the irritation has been relieved can further treatment be continued.
  2. Superficial allergy. It may consist of skin rashes and itching remote from the treatment site. In this case, it is necessary to stop using the drug Duofilm and take antihistamines such as Cetrin, Claritin, Eden or others. If the rash does not go away for a long time and the itching continues, which eventually turns into a pain syndrome, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist or allergist.
  3. Deep allergy. External use and the specificity of the components that make up the drug Duofilm do not imply their penetration into the circulatory system and causing any serious damage to health. However, if it accidentally falls on mucous membranes, deep allergic reactions may occur if you are allergic to the components of the drug, which you may not even suspect. If you feel dizziness, chills, rapid heartbeat, deep or shallow breathing, darkening in your eyes, shortness of breath or suffocation, you should urgently take an antihistamine tablet and go to an ambulance.

Results of using Duofilm for papillomas and warts

Treatment can take from 7 days to several months. Depending on what type of tumor is treated, the effectiveness of the drug depends. As manufacturers note, some growths disappear after 7-10 days. Others may take 1 to 2 months to heal.

According to patient reviews, the drug is highly effective in the treatment of filamentous papillomas, fresh vulgar warts and condylomas. But Duofilm treats old warts, especially suspended ones, only moderately, even if the treatment is long enough.

It is noted that a better effect can be achieved if, along with external agents, drugs aimed at removing the human papillomavirus from the blood are used - antiviral and immunomodulatory.

Real reviews about the drug "Duofilm" for papillomas

Dufilm reviews are mostly positive. However, there are opinions among patients that it is not suitable for all types of tumors.

Anastasia, 41 years old

With the help of Duophilm, they decided to remove warts on the legs of a 12-year-old boy. They appeared, like many others, after visiting the pool. Different doctors advised different methods: surgical, radio wave, and cauterization with liquid nitrogen. But each method has its drawbacks. Surgical removal required hospitalization for 7-10 days, the radio wave method does not control the depth of penetration, and liquid nitrogen is said to be painful. We decided to use a conservative method. We started with Super Clean, but it had no effect, the thorns only spread. Then they recommended the drug Duofilm. They steamed the child’s legs, cut off the ridges around the hanging warts as much as possible and began treatment. Alternated with the use of the Salipod patch. As a result, within a month all the warts disappeared. Gradually, the skin evened out and acquired a uniform shade. After 2 months from the start of treatment, they had already forgotten that the child once had more than 10 spines on both feet, which hurt and interfered with walking so much that the son had a limp. I recommend this product as highly effective.

Valentina Ivanovna, 54 years old

After suffering from the flu in winter, my immunity has significantly decreased. All chronic diseases recurred, and with them the concentration of the human papillomavirus in the body increased significantly. As a result, several warts appeared on the feet and thread-like papillomas on the neck. For treatment, I decided to buy Duofilm at the pharmacy. Threaded papillomas were eliminated very quickly. It took less than a week. And even though I didn’t treat the thorn for a month, it didn’t go away completely. After a while, another one appeared nearby. I consider the product to be good for treating the body, but ineffective for combating dry warts on the feet.

Olga, 26 years old

I used different methods to remove warts. After several treatments with liquid nitrogen, I swore off using this procedure. It is very painful, but there is no benefit. After such executions, the wart grew even larger than it was before. Then there was the use of Solcoderm. The product is very good, but very expensive. If you had enough money for several treatments, then there would be some benefit, but after a single use the wart was significantly reduced, but did not disappear completely. There was not enough money for a couple more procedures. I decided to try Dufilm. I liked the application system. The applicator is a plastic pin with a brush, like a nail polish brush. Very comfortably. I didn’t have much hope, since the product is not as powerful as the previous one, and it’s inexpensive. But unexpectedly for me, in a couple of weeks I managed to say goodbye to the hated wart. Some reviews write that there are relapses, so for now I call my condition “cautious optimism.” Still, I really hope that this will be the end of my struggle with the wart.

How to use Duofilm for warts and papillomas - watch the video:


Manufacturers note that the wart remedy Duofilm fights only the external manifestations of infection with the human papillomavirus. Therefore, the use of an external agent does not exclude relapses in the appearance of tumors. In addition, when starting to treat warts, papillomas and other growths, it is extremely important to make sure that they are benign. A dermatologist or oncologist will help you do this.

  1. Read also the review of Collomac for the treatment of papillomas