Lying dumbbell fly

Wiring unlike presses, they allow more concentrated impact on chest muscles. Performed with dumbbells, kettlebells, disks, spring shock absorbers, or blocks. The use of inclined benches, changing the position of the body transfers the emphasis to different areas pectoral muscles.

Layouts, in addition to increasing volume, also serve to emphasize separation and give relief pectoral muscles. Reputable bodybuilders do this exercise with 50-60 kg dumbbells.

Lying dumbbell flyes. Technique:

  1. Set the bench to the slope you require,
  2. In the starting position, we hold our hands with dumbbells in front of us,
  3. Take a stable position on the bench - your back is fixed, your legs are bent,
  4. You should not fully straighten your elbows - you can get injured.
  5. Inhaling slowly, we spread our arms with dumbbells to the sides,
  6. We use all possible amplitude as much as possible,
  7. At the final (lowest point) pause for 1-2 seconds,
  8. Exhaling, we bring our hands in front of us to the starting position.
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