
Bad Odor from the Mouth: Causes and Methods of Fighting

Bad breath is not only unpleasant for others, but can also be a sign of health problems. Bad odor can be caused by various factors, and to eliminate it, you need to understand what caused it.

  1. Digestive problems

If your teeth are fine, then the cause of the bad odor is most likely related to problems with the digestive system, especially the liver. The liver secretes bile, which protects the intestines from rotting food. If we eat inappropriate foods, bile stagnates in the liver, which can lead to bad breath. If other symptoms are observed with this smell, such as pressure in the pit of the stomach, gas and pain in the back or kidney area, then you should consult a doctor and temporarily go on a strict diet.

  1. Meat intolerance

The heavy smell of rotten meat may be a sign of intolerance to meat foods in the stomach. In this case, you should temporarily give up meat and see if the smell goes away.

  1. Odor associated with menstruation

In women, bad breath may be associated with menstruation. It can be suppressed by rinsing your mouth with menthol water.

  1. Venereal diseases

Bad breath can be a sign of sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

  1. Smoking and alcohol

An unpleasant odor may be associated with smoking or drinking alcohol. In this case, you should limit the use of these substances or completely abandon them.

  1. Chronic runny nose

Foul odor from the mouth and nose may be associated with a chronic, malignant runny nose. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo serious treatment, including surgery.

There are several simple ways to combat bad breath. For example, you can use special rinses or home remedies, such as eating more raw apples or rinsing your mouth with an infusion of fresh dill. The smell of garlic from your mouth can be eliminated by chewing parsley or celery root afterwards.

In conclusion, it should be noted that halitosis can be a sign of serious health problems. If it cannot be eliminated, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.