Shower Intestinal Ascending

Intestinal ascending shower: an effective hydrotherapy procedure

There are many methods and procedures in the world aimed at maintaining and improving human health. One such procedure is the intestinal ascending shower, also known as rectal hydrotherapy. This hydrotherapy procedure, based on the introduction of irrigating liquid under pressure into the rectum, has its own characteristics and is used for various medical purposes.

The colonic ascending shower procedure is usually performed using a special probe equipped with small side holes. The patient sits on the toilet, and a probe is inserted into the rectum. Then, under the supervision of a medical professional, an irrigation fluid, usually warm water, is pressurized into the rectum. This process can be repeated several times during one session.

The main mechanism of action of the intestinal ascending shower is the hydrostatic pressure of the irrigating fluid on the walls of the rectum. This can help stimulate blood circulation and massage blood vessels, which in turn can increase the tone of the intestinal wall. The procedure also helps remove food debris, toxins and other metabolic products from the large intestine.

Intestinal ascending shower is used in various fields of medicine. In some cases, it is used to treat constipation and other bowel problems. Rectal hydrotherapy can help eliminate congestion in the intestines, improve peristalsis and help normalize bowel movements. In addition, the procedure may be useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids, inflammatory bowel disease or post-surgical recovery.

It is important to note that ascending bowel douches should only be performed under the supervision of qualified medical personnel. Failure to follow the rules of the procedure or the use of low-quality equipment can lead to undesirable consequences and complications.

Like any other medical procedure, an ascending intestinal douche has its contraindications. It is not recommended for use in acute inflammatory diseases of the rectum, intestinal obstruction, bleeding from the rectum or in the presence of tumors in the intestine.

In conclusion, intestinal ascending douche is an effective hydrotherapy procedure aimed at improving the health of the rectum and intestines. It can be used to treat a variety of bowel disorders, including constipation, hemorrhoids, inflammatory diseases and post-surgical recovery. However, before using it, you must consult your doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications. Qualified medical personnel should perform the procedure to minimize risks and ensure the best outcome for the patient.

Intestinal ascending shower is a hydrotherapy procedure. no matter how strange. In which the irrigating liquid is injected using the nose 🤮 and then to the bottom of the organ, the person lies down. 1. I don’t want to have trouble because it’s inflamed 3. 2. Intestinal damage 5 3. Examine directly with the anal plugs! 4. Do not discourage this method. 5. This is a vicious and immoral method. 6.8