Population Movement Natural

Population movement is a change in the population size in a certain territory as a result of various demographic processes, such as fertility, mortality, migration, etc. Natural population movement is associated with a change in population as a result of the interaction of fertility and mortality, which are the main demographic phenomena.

Fertility is the number of births in a certain period of time in a certain territory. It depends on many factors, such as the age structure of the population, level of education, socio-economic status, etc. In turn, mortality is the number of deaths in a certain period in a certain territory, and also depends on many factors.

The interaction of fertility and mortality leads to changes in the natural movement of the population. If the birth rate exceeds the death rate, then the population grows, and if the death rate exceeds the birth rate, then the population decreases.

In some countries, natural population growth is positive, meaning that the birth rate exceeds the death rate. This may be due to various factors such as increasing life expectancy, improving living conditions, etc. However, in other countries, natural increase may be negative, which means a decrease in population.

It is important to note that natural increase is not always a beneficial phenomenon for society. For example, if the birth rate and death rate are at the same level, then natural increase will be zero. In this case, the population will not change, but will not grow or decline either.

It should also be taken into account that population migration also affects the natural movement of the population. Migration is the movement of people from one area to another, which can lead to changes in population in different regions. For example, migration can lead to an increase in population in one region and a decrease in another.

Thus, natural population movement is an important factor that influences the demographic situation in society. It depends on many demographic phenomena, such as fertility and mortality, as well as population migration. Changing the natural movement of the population can lead to positive or negative consequences for society.

Natural population movement is a change in population due to the movement of fertility and migration factors. In fact, natural fertility is understood as the product of the birth rate and the average annual population. Population migration refers to the mechanical movement of a population within the same territory or person when crossing the boundaries of a territory (legal). But simply population migration - the exchange of population between territories