Breathing Big

Heavy breathing is a clinical sign caused by hypercapnia, hypoxia, acidosis and toxins, which results in increased intravascular fluid secretion, which leads to a decrease in blood volume and congestion.

Big breathing is called increased, rapid, deep breathing. In some forms of disease and pathological excitation, it occurs without connection with heavy physical activity. Big breathing is accompanied by visible movements of the abdominal wall and swelling of the neck veins. Large breathing is accompanied by hypoxemia and various stages of shock. Big breathing is present during euphoria, in a euphorically pathological state (as a result of neuroendocrine shifts). Large breathing may be the result of intense intoxication (eg, fever, diarrhea) or a hyperophic reaction of the respiratory center to the action of sympathomimetics. Normally, large breathing is usually caused by a sitting position with legs spread wide apart and arms thrown behind the head. Breath holding is an arbitrary concentration in the duration of inhalation and exhalation (inspiratory delay), their depth increases with the exit of the apical parts of the lungs. In severe cases (for example, in patients with meningococcemia), the release of air ends with the closing of the mouth and nostrils, i.e., the transition to strong breathing. The exhalation coming from the mouth is covered with the tongue, as in hysteria. Big breathing is carried out due to the contraction of the external intercostal muscles and the diaphragm (displacement of the latter). There are no external movements of the chest and abdominal wall during breathing. Breathing is a sequence of deep inhalations and exhalations. The patient has tachypnea; the chest lags behind the movements of the diaphragm. When examining a patient during breathing, it is possible to detect obstacles in the exit of air from the lungs, which disappear after the breathing intensity decreases. Sometimes the difficulty in escaping air is explained by a reflex spasm of the airways in response to the pronounced irritating effect of the hypoxic factor.

Big Breathing is a technique that many see as a way to get rid of excess weight and toxic substances in the body. This is one of the methods used among those suffering from type I diabetes to achieve the effect of ketosis. It is also an effective way to treat thyroid diseases and is generally well tolerated by patients.

One of the features of the Big Breath method is the combination of two main breathing methods used in breathing practices, such as bodyflex, oxysize and others. The name of the method may not be deceiving, since large volumes of inhaled air are needed to perform diaphragmatic breathing (the main component of the “Big Breath” method).