Breathing Trainer Frolov

Frolov breathing simulator: what is it and how does it work?

The Frolov breathing simulator is a medical device that is used to train the respiratory system. It was developed by Russian scientist Konstantin Pavlovich Frolov in the 1970s. Since then, it has become widespread in Russia and abroad, due to its effectiveness and accessibility.

Frolov's breathing simulator consists of two main parts: a mouthpiece and a water bottle. While using the device, the patient inserts the mouthpiece into the mouth and begins to breathe slowly and deeply, creating resistance to the air passing through the water bottle. This allows you to train the respiratory muscles and improve their functionality.

The Frolov breathing simulator can be used to treat many diseases of the respiratory system, such as bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia and others. In addition, it can be used to strengthen the respiratory system and improve its functionality in healthy people.

According to the manufacturer, the Frolov breathing simulator has the following advantages:

  1. Improves the functionality of the respiratory system
  2. Strengthens the body's immunity
  3. Improves blood circulation and metabolism
  4. Reduces stress and fatigue levels

The Frolov breathing simulator is produced by the Frolov company in Russia. It is available in the dosage form TDI-01 pack. This device has undergone many studies and has been approved by the medical community as an effective and safe method of training the respiratory system.

In conclusion, the Frolov breathing simulator is an effective method of training the respiratory system, which can be used for treatment and health promotion. It is available in dosage form and is produced in Russia by the Frolov company. If you have problems with your respiratory system or just want to improve your health, the Frolov breathing machine may be a great choice for you.