
Dysbiotrophy: disruption of the microbiota and digestive process

Dysbiotrophy is a medical condition characterized by disruption of the normal composition and functioning of the microbiota, as well as the digestive process of the body. The term "dysbiotrophy" is derived from the Greek words "dis-" (meaning "discrepancy" or "impairment"), "bios" (life) and "trophe" (nutrition), indicating a close connection between the state of the microbiota and the digestive process.

Microbiota is a collection of microorganisms, mainly bacteria, that live inside our body, especially in the intestines. A healthy microbiota performs a number of important functions, such as maintaining the immune system, nutrient absorption, vitamin synthesis, and protection against pathogens. However, when the balance of the microbial population is disturbed, dysbiotrophy occurs.

Dysbiotrophy can be caused by various factors, including poor diet, stress, antibiotics, environmental changes and others. Disruption of microbial balance can lead to poor digestion, decreased immune function and the occurrence of various diseases.

Symptoms of dysbiotrophy can be varied and include:

  1. Gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating and pain.
  2. Metabolic disorders and increased fatigue.
  3. Decreased immune defense and the occurrence of frequent respiratory infections.
  4. Allergic reactions and skin problems.
  5. Digestive disorders and improper absorption of nutrients.

Various methods can be used to diagnose dysbiotrophy, including fecal microbiota analysis, clinical studies, and patient history. It is important to note that dysbiotrophy can be associated with other diseases, so it is necessary to establish the exact cause and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Treatment of dysbiotrophy is aimed at restoring the normal balance of the microbial population and improving the digestive process. This may include dietary changes, probiotics, and medications that promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms. In some cases, it may be necessary to prescribe antifungal or anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is important to note that self-medication or taking medications without consulting a doctor can make the situation worse. To effectively treat dysbiotrophy, it is necessary to contact a qualified doctor who can diagnose, determine the cause of the disorder and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Prevention of dysbiotrophy includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, moderate physical activity and hygiene measures. Regular intake of prebiotics and probiotic-rich foods, such as yogurt or dairy products, can also help maintain a healthy microbial population.

In conclusion, dysbiotrophy is an imbalance in the microbial population and digestive process that can cause various symptoms and diseases. Early diagnosis and timely treatment are important aspects in managing this condition. Following a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition also play an important role in maintaining a healthy microbial ecosystem in the body.


Dysbiotrophy is the proliferation of microorganisms in the oral cavity, which causes great inconvenience to the patient and causes discomfort in communication. This pathology can occur not only due to improper hygiene in babies under one year old, but also in older children, and even in adults. In any case, the disease requires careful diagnosis, and then adequate treatment and prevention.

Risk factors Despite the fact that there are a huge number of reasons for the development of this pathology, completely healthy people can get sick. There are a number of predisposing factors:

insufficient intake of vitamins into the body due to prolonged vegetarianism or diet; weak acidity of gastric juice and gastritis with low acidity; immunodeficiencies; decreased activity of digestive enzymes; intoxication; taking antibiotics to treat genitourinary infections; chronic urogenital diseases;