
Dystrophy is a chronic nutritional disorder in children, accompanied by a violation of the body's absorption of nutrients from food, metabolism, growth and development. Most often, dystrophy develops in young children.

The causes of dystrophy can be prolonged fasting, overfeeding, poor quality of food with a predominance of carbohydrates, various infectious diseases (dysentery, pneumonia), and errors in child care. Dystrophy occurs due to poor absorption of food in the gastrointestinal tract, for example, with congenital narrowing of the junction of the esophagus and the stomach.

The main symptoms of dystrophy: impaired weight gain and growth, decreased resistance to infections, digestive disorders.

A distinction is made between dystrophy with weight loss (hypotrophy) and with normal or increased weight. With malnutrition, weight can decrease until there is a sharp lag in physical development. Rare dystrophy with preserved weight is caused by a monotonous diet of flour or dairy products. Such children are lethargic, inactive, and prone to infections.

Treatment of dystrophy is carried out by a doctor, taking into account the reasons for its development. Prevention begins even before the birth of the child - with compliance with the daily routine and proper nutrition of the expectant mother. After birth, it is important to properly organize feeding, introduction of complementary foods, care and physical education of the child.

Dystrophy is a medical condition in which the structures and functions of organs or tissues are impaired. It is a common cause of death, especially in infants and children. The main purpose of the article is to help understand what dystrophy is, why it occurs, and what measures can be taken to prevent it.

Dystrophy can occur for a variety of reasons, including genetic diseases, infections, malnutrition, lack of sleep or poor diet. In addition, dystrophy can also occur due to severe stress, fatigue, overexertion or emotional anxiety.

One of the most famous examples of dystrophy is dystrophinaria. This is a genetic disease that occurs due to a deficiency of one or more genes responsible for the production of dystrophin tissue. Dystrophinaria causes muscle weakness, atrophy, muscle cramps, and difficulty walking or other movements. When muscles lose their function and