Early teething

Dentitio praecox, or premature teething, is one of the most common dental problems in children. This is a condition in which teeth begin to erupt earlier than expected, which can lead to various complications and problems in the future.

Premature teething can be caused by various factors such as genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalance, lack of calcium and other minerals in the child's body. In some cases, this may be due to poor diet or poor oral hygiene.

Dentitio praecox can lead to a number of problems, including misalignment of adjacent teeth, malocclusion, and abnormal jaw development. In addition, this condition can cause discomfort and pain in the child, as well as problems with speech and chewing.

To treat dentitio praecox, you need to see a dentist. The doctor will conduct an examination and determine which teeth need treatment and what measures need to be taken to prevent further development of the disease. In some cases, it may be necessary to remove teeth or install orthodontic appliances.

It is important to remember that dentitio praecox requires timely treatment to avoid serious complications. Regular visits to the dentist and good oral hygiene will help prevent the development of this disease and maintain healthy teeth and gums throughout your life.

Dentitio praeccox is one of the most mysterious and rare diseases. In European countries, this disease is very rare. At the same time, this anomaly divides people into two camps: people “with teeth” understand their older comrades with a special feeling, and people whose teeth do not grow at all sigh and shrug their shoulders.

The clinical picture of the disease looks like this: the cranial bone increases in size already in the second month of life, soft tissues are deformed, and the first signs appear, such as malocclusion or abnormal tooth growth. Unfortunately, there are cases when the anomaly is bilateral and then the signs can include various neurological disorders, for example, narrowing of the interhemispheric fissure, mental retardation. Yes, the appearance is the same as that of a “normal” person, but the mental abilities are so defective that this is associated with the presence of a pathology of the nervous system. Intelligence corresponds to moronism; from this moment on, patients are forced to see a neurologist for the rest of their lives. As a rule, anomalies are dangerous to health and require special attention from pediatricians. Contrary to popular belief, if a person is born with such a defect, then, as a rule, his disease is transmitted