
Echo-ophthalmographs are designed to study the fundus and other structures of the eye using ultrasonic waves. They allow you to obtain a real-time image of the eye and determine its condition and features.

An echo-ophthalmograph operates on the basis of ultrasonic waves that are reflected from the ocular structures and transmitted to the receiver. The image is created based on this data and allows you to assess the condition of the retina, blood vessels, lens and other elements of the eye.

One of the advantages of an echo-ophthalmograph is its high accuracy and the ability to obtain detailed images of ocular structures. In addition, it can be used to diagnose various eye diseases such as glaucoma, retinal detachment and others.

In general, the echo-ophthalmograph is an important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. It provides accurate and detailed images of ocular structures, which can help doctors make decisions about the treatment and prevention of eye diseases.

An echoophthalmograph is a medical device that allows you to examine the anterior part of the eye using the ultrasound method. Thanks to an echo-ophthalmologist, it is possible to objectively assess the anatomy of the eye, the size and depth of the anterior chamber, lens, vitreous structures, the condition of the retina and lens. The study is carried out by moving the echo sounder electrode over the iris and fundus of the eye using a special holder. Changes in eye tissue are displayed on the screen, and the doctor evaluates the results independently or together with the patient. During the examination, the eyes are not exposed to radiation; a special cable is used to record information from the sensor.

Echo-ophthalmographs are actively used in the diagnosis of eye diseases, such as glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment, hemorrhages and other pathologies. It is used to determine the average, maximum or minimum depth of the lens and cornea, measure the depth of the anterior chamber of the eye and the size of the pupil, as well as to study the fundus with the possibility of color Doppler mapping of vessels, which allows one to determine their anatomical features.

The ultrasound method of the eye differs from direct light in the absence of a traumatic factor - puncture of the eye with a needle. Therefore, the study is safer and more painless. The image is projected onto the screen by reflecting an ultrasonic wave reflected from the structures of the eye. An echoophthalmograph is a modern, high-precision diagnostic device that allows you to obtain full-size images of ocular structures. It can be used for both outpatient examinations and inpatient treatment. Diagnostics on the device is carried out by a highly qualified specialist. The results of the study can be viewed over time by observing changes either on the device itself or by receiving a report if necessary.

In the future, some models of devices will include the function of measuring the angle between the cornea and the iris - the so-called gonioscopy angle. This parameter is of great importance for many studies, for example, in eye biomicrosurgery.