Uretrovenous invasion

Invasion of the urinary tract by venereal infection

Invasion of the urinary tract is a fairly rare phenomenon in the practice of a venereologist, and according to the literature, it supposedly occurs in only 4% of cases, but this statement may be erroneous

Signs of invasion are swelling and redness around the external opening of the urethra and scrotum; bloody discharge from the urethra; prolonged, painful urethral bleeding during urination after minor injuries to the scrotum; the presence of pathological changes in urine (pathological impurities, inflammatory changes); sudden and prolonged loss of body weight. The examination reveals hyperemia and infiltration in the perineum, in the area of ​​the external opening of the urethra, scrotum, penis, swelling and soreness of the eyelids and inguinal-scrotal areas at rest and after walking. Less common is sharp pain on palpation of the bladder and a state of reactive changes in the rectum.

All of the above symptoms should be regarded as a unique clinical picture of the pathology of the pelvic organs, in which it is necessary to carefully examine the urethra, prostatic urethra, bladder, ureters on both sides, testicles, seminal vesicles, prepuce