Ecthyma Simple

Ecthyma simplex or E. simplex is an infectious skin disease caused by the varicella zoster virus. This disease appears as red blisters that appear on the skin and can be itchy and painful. Ecthyma simplex most often affects children, but can occur in people of any age.

Ecthyma simplex usually begins with the appearance of red spots on the skin, which then turn into blisters. The blisters are filled with fluid and can be very painful. They can be located both on open areas of the skin and on hidden ones, for example, on the buttocks or in the armpits.

The blisters usually go away after a week or two and then a crust forms, which eventually falls out. However, if the scabs are peeled or wet, this may cause new blisters to appear on the skin.

Ecthyma simplex is treated with antiviral medications, which help reduce symptoms and speed healing. However, in most cases, the disease goes away on its own without the need for special treatment.

To prevent ecthyma simplex, it is recommended to avoid contact with people who have the varicella zoster virus and to practice hygiene measures, including regular hand washing and the use of antiseptics.

In general, ecthyma simplex is a relatively safe and easily treatable disease. However, if you notice red spots or blisters on your skin, it is recommended that you consult a doctor for professional advice and treatment.