Ectoderm Neural

Neural ectoderm (E. neurale) is one of the types of ectoderm that plays an important role in the development of the nervous system. It is formed in the early stages of embryonic development and is a precursor to neuroepithelium, which then forms nervous tissue.

The neural ectoderm has a complex structure that includes various cell types, including neurons, glial cells, and other cell types. These cells form a complex complex that ensures the development of the nervous system.

One of the functions of neural ectoderm is the formation of neurons and glial cells. Neurons develop from cells called neuroblasts, which migrate from the ectoderm into the neural tube. Glial cells also develop from the ectoderm and provide support and protection to neurons.

In addition, the neural ectoderm plays an important role in the formation and development of nervous tissue. It ensures the migration of neurons to certain areas of the brain and spinal cord, and also regulates their growth and development.

Thus, the neural ectoderm is an important component of the nervous system and plays a key role in its development. It ensures the formation and development of neurons, glial cells and nervous tissue, which allows the nervous system to function correctly and efficiently.