-Ectomy (-Ectomy)

-Ectomy is a suffix denoting the surgical removal of an organ or part of it. For example, appendectomy is the surgical removal of the appendix, and prostatectomy is the surgical removal of the prostate gland.

The suffix "ectomy" comes from the Greek words "ek" - "out" and "tome" - "cut". Thus, ectomy literally means "cutting out." This suffix is ​​used in medical terminology to refer to operations to remove organs or parts of organs.

Besides appendectomy and prostatectomy, other common examples of procedures with the suffix "-ectomy" include hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus), thyroidectomy (removal of the thyroid gland), mastectomy (removal of the breast), and nephrectomy (removal of the kidney).

Thus, the suffix "-ectomy" is an important part of medical terminology, helping to accurately identify surgical procedures to remove organs or parts of organs.

Ectomy (-Ectomy) is one of the most commonly used suffixes in medical terminology. It refers to the surgical removal of an organ or part of it. Such removal may be necessary in cases where the organ becomes a source of disease or is dangerous to the patient's health.

The suffix -ectomy is used in combination with various words to indicate the specific organ or part of it that is to be removed. For example, an appendectomy is the surgical removal of the appendix, which is located in the lower right part of the abdominal cavity. This surgery may be necessary if the appendix becomes inflamed or infected.

Prostatectomy is the surgical removal of the prostate gland in men. This surgery may be necessary in cases where the prostate gland becomes tumorous or enlarged, which can lead to problems with urination.

Other examples of ectomies include resection (removal of the stomach, resection of the lung), gastrectomy (removal of the stomach), nyrectomy (removal of a kidney), hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) and many others.

Surgical procedures associated with an ectomy can be serious and have a long recovery period. Therefore, before deciding to undergo such an operation, patients should consult with their doctor and carefully consider all possible risks and benefits.

In general, ectomy (-Ectomy) is an important term in medical terminology that refers to the surgical removal of organs or parts thereof. It is used to refer to many types of surgeries that may be necessary to improve a patient's health.

There are a number of diseases that require surgical intervention. One of the most common and easiest procedures to perform is an ectomy. An ectomy is a surgical operation in which part or all of an organ is removed. In this case, we will have the abbreviation Ectomy, which is pronounced “ectomy”. Ectomy is a group of diseases. It is often accompanied by a painful feeling and can also lead to the development of disease. Today we will take a closer look at what an ectomy is.

Appendicitis Appendicitis is an acute inflammation of the appendix of the cecum. The appendix is ​​very weakly innervated, does not have its own blood supply, and is adjacent to the right iliac fossa in close proximity to the vessels, intestinal loops and ureter on the right side. These are the anatomical features that most often cause acute appendicitis. Other reasons for the development of inflammation of the appendix: stone left after treatment of calculous appendicitis, parasitic pathology, polyps and scars. In addition to pain and fever, the patient develops a number of symptoms: nausea, weakness, vomiting, lack of appetite, false urge to defecate. Treatment of acute appendicitis should only be surgical! This is the only correct tactic. Advantages - there is no risk of upward spread of inflammation and the development of an abscess of the cecum, the ability to eliminate the infection without the risk of its spread throughout the body. Surgical intervention to completely eliminate the source of the inflammatory process is accompanied by minimal traumatic damage to the abdominal wall. A ruptured appendix is ​​a dangerous condition. It can occur due to purulent inflammation or other reasons that can worsen its condition. One of the diseases that requires mandatory surgical intervention is adenomectomy. Prostate adenoma is a benign growth of prostate tissue. With abnormal tissue development and an increase in volume from compression of nearby organs, intravesical pressure increases and urine flow is disrupted. With prostate adenoma, blood and flakes are observed - decay products of the compaction