
Eczema: causes, symptoms and treatment

Eczema is a common skin disease that is characterized by severe itching, redness of the affected areas of the skin, and the formation of weeping blisters on them, which then become crusty. It is an endogenous or constitutional disease, which means that it is caused by internal factors rather than by external agents. The terms "dermatitis" and "eczema" are often used interchangeably, although they have different causes and mechanisms of development.

There are five main types of eczema:

  1. Atopic eczema (diffuse neurodermatitis) (atopic eczema) is the most common type of eczema, occurring in approximately 20% of the population. It is commonly associated with allergic reactions, as well as hay fever and asthma.

  2. Seborrhoeic eczema (or dermatitis) is a form of eczema that affects the scalp, eyelids, nose and lips and is accompanied by the appearance of Pityrosporum fungi on the skin.

  3. Discoid, or coin-shaped, eczema (nummular eczema) is a form of eczema characterized by coin-shaped skin lesions. It is usually observed only in adults.

  4. "Crowswort" is a form of eczema that affects the hands and feet.

  5. Gravitational eczema (or static eczema) is a form of eczema that develops when venous circulation is impaired and is incorrectly called varicose eczema.

Treatment for eczema depends on its type and severity. A common treatment is the use of topical or general corticosteroids, which help reduce inflammation and itching. The use of emollients is also important, especially when treating mild cases of the disease. It is also important to avoid factors that may aggravate symptoms, such as contact with irritants or allergens. In some cases, the physician may consider using immunomodulators such as topical calcineurin inhibitors, but their use should be limited due to potential side effects.

Overall, eczema can be a fairly fickle condition that can cause significant discomfort and limitations in daily life. Therefore, it is important to consult a dermatologist at the first signs of the disease in order to receive qualified help and appropriate treatment. It is also important to take care of your skin, avoid strong cleansers, and use moisturizers to maintain healthy skin.

Eczema is a common skin condition that is characterized by severe itching, redness and blistering of the affected areas. In English there is a term for this "eczema". However, for ease of reading this article, we will use the term “eczema”.

The main causes of eczema are heredity, immune system disorders and skin reactions to various irritants, such as allergens, bacteria, viruses, fungi, increased dry air, etc. Therefore, to treat eczema, it is necessary to eliminate these causes, as well as improve the condition of the skin. Eczema can manifest itself in various forms: atopic, seborrheic, discoid, herpetiformis, etc. Each of these forms has its own characteristics and requires a specific approach to treatment. The atopic form of eczema is most often associated with allergic reactions and becomes a common cause of a common type of dermatitis - atopic dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis affects the scalp, eyelid area and around the lips, and may also be accompanied by a fungal infection. Discoid dermatitis is a coin-like rash that can occur on the arms and legs.