Eczema Cointail

A chronic, relapsing skin disease characterized by a monomorphic rash that primarily affects the flexor surfaces and fingers of the hands and feet. A.G. Venetsianov, D.I. Mendeleev, A.S. Pushkin, K. Gul, R. Emerson and others suffered from this disease. Previously considered a more severe skin disease, however, nowadays, thanks to the development of new drugs, E. nummularis is much less common than before. The disease is not contagious, transmitted from person to person. The main causative agent of the disease is an aggressive external environment, deterioration of the central nervous system, as well as frequent stressful situations. Eczema moniformis is characterized by itching. Most often, a monopigmented keratinizing rash appears - small grayish-white papules 2-5 mm in diameter. There may be another name - crusty eczema. On the surface of the skin, the elements of the rash become lumpy (due to the formation of small blisters

Coin-shaped or numular eczema is a chronic skin disease that manifests itself as dry, itchy, sometimes raised red lesions in the shape of coins or ovals, surrounded by a narrow white border of dry scales. It is accompanied by severe hyperemia, detachment of the stratum corneum, and the presence of bubbles or crusts. There is an assumption that people with weak immune systems are more susceptible to the disease, especially when there are foci of chronic infection. Coin-shaped eczematous lesions are most often observed in middle-aged women in the winter season, with a general deterioration of the environmental situation in the city. Having appeared once, the disease resumes in warm weather, but in the summer it subsides. To diagnose nummular lesions, additional signs are needed, which include atopy, as well as all types of allergy reactions. Most often, the disease is a consequence of skin contact with allergens of plant and animal origin, these are various plants, chemicals, and medications. These processes trigger an immune response in the form of inflammatory processes in the skin layers and cause exudative changes in the vessels of the dermis, which manifest themselves