Seltzer-Swift-Fear Syndrome

Seltzer-Swift-Pierre syndrome is a rare and little-studied disease characterized by multiple defects in various organs and systems of the body. This disease was first described in the 20th century by professors of medicine Paul Selter, Neil Swift and Ernest Pierre.

Seltzer, Swift and Pierre scientists from different countries: German, Austrian, English and Swiss - defended the theory that every disease, regardless of its cause, has

A group of syndromes that have a similar development mechanism consists of classic manifest syndromes and unexpressed polysymptomatic manifestations. We are talking about hereditary pathologies that can be transmitted according to an autosomal recessive type of inheritance from one parent to another. Diseases occur in children born from a blood relative (the mother or father of a sick child are carriers of the pathology). If there are two sick people in a family, there is practically no chance of giving birth to a healthy baby. However, even after the birth of a baby, with a 25-50% probability of parents, his descendants will be carriers and get sick. In any case, without knowing and ignoring the problem, it is simply impossible to recognize them in time, which negatively affects the general condition of the patient.