Efferent Vessel

Efferent vessel

The efferent vessel, also known as the efferens vessel (from the Latin “offerens” - efferent), also known as the efferent arteriole, is a small vessel that is located in the vascular system of the human body. It is responsible for moving blood around the body, supplying cells with oxygen and nutrients.

The heart is the main pump in our body. It pumps blood through vessels throughout the body. Venous blood is collected from peripheral capillaries to mix with its older blood in the heart before passing through the network of pulmonary capillaries to be enriched with oxygen and released carbon dioxide when exhaled. This process is called "blood circulation".

As the blood works in the vein, it loses a lot of oxygen, eventually this process is called circulation. Veins “reduce” blood to the lungs to supply oxygen to the cells. Blood entering the lungs from a capillary is decarboxylated (the process of releasing CO2) with carbon dioxide