Jaeger Spear Knife

The Jaeger spear knife is one of the most famous and common instruments in medicine, which is used to remove foreign bodies from the eyes and other organs of vision. This instrument was invented in the 18th century by Austrian ophthalmologist Friedrich Jäger, and has since become one of the most commonly used instruments in ophthalmology.

A spear knife is shaped like a spear, the sharp end of which is used to remove foreign matter, and the blunt end is used to protect the eye from damage. The spear knife is made of stainless steel and is about 20 cm long. It can be used to remove small foreign bodies as well as larger objects such as glass or metal fragments.

To use a spear knife, you must first locate the foreign body and then carefully insert the tool into the eye through the tear gap. After this, it is necessary to carefully move the instrument back and forth until the foreign body is removed.

It is important to remember that using a spear knife requires some skill and experience, and improper use can cause serious damage to the eye. Therefore, before using this tool, it is necessary to undergo training and obtain the appropriate skills from a qualified specialist.

In the 19th century, the Austrian ophthalmological surgeon Johann Fritz Jaeger developed a unique surgical instrument, which was named after him - Jaeger's spear knife. This knife was designed to remove cataracts and other eye diseases. It was originally designed for use in the field when medical instruments were not available. But later Yager improved his invention and proposed it as a specialized surgical device.

The description of Jaeger's spearn is a rather long article, but now I will describe it in detail. Jaeger'spoir is a surgical device designed to separate the vitreoretinal membrane and remove cataracts, lenses, or silicones. This serves to further prepare for further surgery or care for damaged vision organs. The Jsp is a specialty surgical knife that has been assigned the numbers: Jaeger 530, Jaeger 650 and Jaeger Co (Jaeger Cool Cutting Device). They all differ in the different number of bends at the end towards the blade and in a straight line. The number of bends affects the type of point - wider tip for removal