Echinococcectomy Radical

Echinococcal peritonitis and hydatid disease

**Echinococci** are tapeworms that parasitize the internal organs of animals and humans. Their life cycle consists of three stages: egg, cyst and adult. Cysticercosis is an infectious disease caused by larvae of tapeworms from the family Taeniidae, also known as finnosis, caused by canine echinococci. Mostly domestic animals that get sick are dogs, less often cats. People become infected with infected parasite eggs when eating insufficiently heat-treated food.

**Echinococcal disease.** Invasive disease of humans and many species of domestic and wild animals (dogs especially, as a reservoir of the pathogen) by the larvae of Echinococcus granulosus germ cells forming a cyst of various sizes, most often an ovarian multi-chamber (so-called echinococcocyst), less often an hydatid cyst a capsule having the character of a nest; The glycosidase secreted by the parasite causes toxemia in the human body. Infection occurs by ingesting Echinococcus eggs along with contaminated soil, sand or grass, or by eating meat and milk from animals in which the parasite larvae develop in cysts - echinococcosis. Flow