Eisenlohr Syndrome

Eisenlohr syndrome (Syndrome Eisenlohr; lat. syndromum - “condition” + ancient Greek συν- - prefix meaning “together”, “with”, “after”, ancient Greek) or mesenteric colic (lat. colica mesenterica) is one of the variants of acute abdomen, named after the German pediatrician Karl Essenlorch, who established its existence in the 19th century. This femoral condition is accompanied by paroxysmal cramping pain in the abdomen, painful bowel movements, sometimes loose stools, tension in the abdominal wall, as a result of which the abdomen may appear retracted, and flatulence. The main cause of Eisenlorheiserstrache is considered to be enteritis with partial intestinal obstruction or mechanical blockage (neoplasms, fecal blockages, etc.). One of the forms of this disease, along with intestinal crises, can also be an acute form of appendicitis