
Exudate is the inflammatory fluid secreted by cells during inflammation. An important component of the exudate is cellular material, which is often present in significant quantities (serous exudate). Often there is hyperemia of the vessels lining the sinuses, sinuses, paranasal passages, pharyngeal mucosa (with acute sinusitis), cyasis and stasis of blood vessels; You can observe the expansion of lymph vessels and their filling with lymph and cellular elements. In blood capillaries there is increased permeability. Blood cells are often suspended. In acute periods, part of the basal layer of the mucosal epithelium and underlying connective tissue may be involved in exudation, which is accompanied by the formation of secondary desquamated cells and desquamation (but not desquamation) of the integumentary squamous epithelium. Stages of development of acute inflammatory edema (exudation). In the pathogenesis of an acute inflammatory process, type I hypersensitivity reaction is important. The role of the immune response is beyond doubt. At the heart of development