Extrasystole Sinus

Extrasystoles (ES) are contractions of the heart that excite the nodes of the myocardium, which is the source of the formation of the next wave of excitation. One of the most common types of extrasystoles. From a practical point of view, consideration of the pathophysiology of ES is carried out based on hemodynamic characteristics, since it is the supraventricular

Extrasystolic arrhythmia (sinus) Extrasystolic sinus (ES, SES) is a cardiac arrhythmia characterized by an extraordinary cardiac contraction registered by the pacemaker, emanating from the sinus node. Extrasystoles are varied in their clinical significance, from cardiac pathology to generalized extrasystoles in a healthy person, and their spectrum goes far beyond disorders of the cardiovascular system. Extrasystolic often accompanies other rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias). But it often serves as an isolated, independent rhythm disorder. There are 2 variants of supraventricular extrasystoles: large polymorphic (atrial, AV nodes, ventricular, with atrial or AV block - characteristic pauses occur when recording an ECG) and small (usually occur with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia). In the ICD classification, a distinction is made between ventricular monomorphic extrasystole, which also occurs during bradycardia (HR <60/мин), часто эквивалентную