
An extrovert is one of the two main personality types described in psychology, the second type being the introvert. The term “extrovert” was introduced into scientific circulation by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung at the beginning of the twentieth century and has since become popular in psychological terminology.

An extrovert is a person who is focused on the outside world and has a need for contact with other people and communication. He seeks new experiences, strives for experiments and action. Extroverts are open to new acquaintances, quickly and easily find a common language with people, have good communication skills and are easily the center of attention.

Also, extroverts often show activity, tirelessness, they are energetic and cheerful. It is easy for them to adapt to new conditions and changes in life, they love variety and novelty, and do not tolerate monotony and routine.

However, extroverts may be prone to superficial relationships and may lack inner depth and emotional responsiveness. They can be somewhat naive and little cautious when interacting with people, which can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings.

In general, extroverts are very important to society; they have many positive qualities that allow them to function successfully in society and achieve their goals. However, like any other personality type, extroverts have their own weaknesses and challenges that need to be taken into account.

An extroverted personality is a person who is full of vitality and outgoing. He loves communication and is not shy about expressing his thoughts and feelings. Such people are open and easily come into contact with other people, love to be in the center of attention and actively participate in the life of society.

However, extroverts have their own characteristics and limitations. They can be too spontaneous and expressive, which sometimes leads to mistakes and lack of attention to detail. They may also have difficulty concentrating on tasks that require solitude and reflection.

In addition, extroverts