Datura fruits

Datura causes dizziness, redness of the eyes, veils, intoxication, and hibernation. Sometimes one misqal of Datura, especially Indian, kills on the same day, and before it kills, the sweat and breath become cold from it. As for a dose of less than half a dirham, this amount lulls and intoxicates, but kills only weak people.

The strongest way to treat it is to induce vomiting with soda with water and vegetable oil. Ghee is an antidote to Datura, and is given to drink with large quantities of wine with pepper, saliva, laurel drupes, Chinese cinnamon or beaver stream, which is helped by immersing the limbs in hot water, warming the body with rags and anointing it with buna or bush oil. The patient should move and exercise as much as possible and after that take oily food and sweet wine, as well as use all methods of treatment for opium poisoning.