Equivalent to Depression

The equivalent of depression is usually called a mental disorder that occurs instead of attacks of depression - vegetative-vascular dystonia. Due to his illness, an imbalance of blood pressure and breathing occurs. The signals that the brain sends to the body are misunderstood.

A disorder of the Autonomic Nervous System is associated with a disruption in the functioning of all parts of the human nervous system, including the autonomic one. Its main function is to control the functioning of the internal organs and systems of the human body. Neurosis occurs due to the accumulation of negative emotions, and the symptoms of manifestation completely depend on which disorder predominates.

Vegetoneurosis is highly treatable and often goes away completely without therapy, but without treatment, symptoms may worsen. Typically, disorders of the autonomic nervous system are observed in adolescents, over fifty years of age, and during menopause in women. However, some symptoms can also appear in men when they reach 45 years of age. The causes of these symptoms until the end

Title: Equivalent to Depression: A disorder of internal organs that replaces the symptoms of depression

Depression is a serious mental disorder that affects millions of people around the world. However, there are other forms of depression that are not always associated with emotional symptoms. One of these options is the equivalent of depression, which is characterized by a disorder of the functioning of internal organs instead of the classic symptoms of depression. In this article, we'll look at the equivalent of depression in more detail and discuss its symptoms, possible causes, and treatment approaches.

Definition and symptoms of depression equivalent:
Depression equivalent is a disorder in which a person exhibits physical symptoms that resemble those of depression, while the emotional and psychological signs of the condition may be less noticeable or absent. Instead of experiencing low mood, sadness, or a feeling of despair, patients with the equivalent of depression may experience physical problems such as stomach pain, headaches, problems sleeping, appetite, or fatigue.

Symptoms of the equivalent of depression can vary from person to person, but include:

  1. Physical symptoms: Patients may experience chronic pain, pain in various parts of the body, including the head, stomach, back or muscles. They may also suffer from unexplained fatigue and general weakness.

  2. Sleep and appetite disorders: The equivalent of depression can lead to sleep disorders such as insomnia or excessive sleepiness. Loss of appetite or, conversely, an excessive rush of food cravings may also be present symptoms.

  3. Decreased energy: Patients with the equivalent of depression may experience a decrease in overall energy and interest in daily activities. They may feel tired and unable to cope with daily tasks.

Possible causes of depression equivalent:
The causes of depression equivalent are not fully known, but research suggests that it is a multifactorial condition that may be caused by