Elastic Stocking Medical

Elastic stockings are a medical product that is used to treat varicose veins of the lower extremities. They are a stocking without socks and heels, which is knitted from an elastic thread and has a rubber cord for attaching to the leg.

Elastic stockings help reduce swelling and inflammation and prevent blood clots. They can also be used to prevent varicose veins in people who are at risk.

In order to choose the appropriate size of elastic stockings, you need to measure the length of your leg from heel to groin. Then you should choose a size that matches your leg length.

When using elastic stockings, certain rules must be followed. For example, they should not be worn for more than 12 hours a day, as this can cause damage to the skin. It is also not recommended to wear them while sleeping, as they can put pressure on the leg and interfere with blood circulation.

In general, elastic stockings are an effective treatment for varicose veins and the prevention of this disease. However, you should consult your doctor before using them.

Elastic medical stockings are one of the most popular types of compression garments that are used to treat various diseases related to the veins of the lower extremities. These stockings have been designed specifically for people suffering from varicose veins and help improve blood circulation and reduce leg swelling