Leptospirosis Far Eastern

Far Eastern leptospira (anicteric leptospirosis) is a group of pathogens of leptospirosis (from the Greek leptos “thin” + spiro “spindle-shaped” (spira), which means “ring-shaped microbes”) that cause infectious diseases in humans and animals of varying severity. They affect the liver and kidneys, as well as the central nervous system. Leptosporosis is a common infection among farm animals and fish. The development of leptosporosis depends on the ambient temperature, external factors, individual characteristics of the organism and its immunity against leptospores. Leptospore can be transmitted by contact, airborne droplets, soil, food and water, as well as infection of the kidneys or abdominal organs. Diagnosis of leptobor is based on the detection of specific antibodies in the blood, urine or biological fluids of the body. Antibiotics and interferon drugs are used to treat leptorrhea. In the article we will consider leptosporiasis as a dangerous infectious infection, that is, the causes and methods of transmission, the definition of the disease and methods of its prevention, laboratory methods of detection, features of treatment and prevention. The article will also provide descriptions of the symptoms of the disease, methods of diagnosis and assistance with the disease, as well as characteristics of the antibiotics used in the treatment of leptorrhosis infection.