Delayed ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation is a condition in which ejaculation occurs very slowly or does not occur at all. It can be caused by various reasons, such as psychological factors, problems with the nervous system, diseases of the genitourinary system and other reasons. Despite the fact that ejaculation is a natural process, its delay can cause discomfort and even cause sexual dysfunction. In this article we will look at what delayed ejaculation is and what treatment methods exist for it.

Anticipating delayed ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation is a condition of the body when a man experiences problems with immediate ejaculation. In simple terms, it is caused by a delay in the release of sperm from the genital organ. A man remains in the process of satisfaction longer than normal. Something similar is called “freezing.” The man "stays" in ecstasy for a longer period of time compared to normal delayed ejaculation. This imbalance can have a negative impact on a man. To avoid embarrassment, you need to take action if you have problems with ejaculation. Here are a few steps you can take to resolve this issue:

* Make sure your vaginal lubrication is working well. If it is very thick, then your partner may have difficulty inserting. You can also enhance your senses by adding lubricant to sex products. For example, clitoral stimulants. They can help increase your arousal and make the sensations more intense. * Practice love on a regular basis. The more frequent and varied your sexual activities, the more likely you are to reach a sexual peak. This is especially helpful if you regularly experience delayed ejaculations.

_Your intimate exercises should be regular. Repeat them every 3-4 days to keep your intimate system in shape. Also, make sure that this intimate communication is done with mutual respect. None of you should feel fear or shame about your sensual desires.

- Use gels and lubricants to reduce ejaculation time. Many of these remedies are made with essential oils that reduce the level of sexual stimulation and improve time. These remedies can reduce your level of arousal without disturbing you or your partner. If you want to increase your enjoyment time, try peppermint, ginger, and cayenne pepper oils. - Drink more water. Various products can be